

During the slack season of the year when the majority of outdoor sports are at a low ebb, the gymnasium becomes the general resort of those desiring exercise, health or athletic amusement. That boxing, indoor running, jumping, calisthenics and other gymnastic games furnish welcome opportunities for satisfying these desires is evinced by the fact that over five hundred men use it daily. So large a number overcrowd the present gymnasium, with its inadequate arrangement and appliances, but until the University is presented with a new gymnasium or is able to build an addition to the present one, such overcrowding and inadequacy can only be borne with patience.

Yet to the casual observer it would seem that a rearrangement of the lockers with a view to better sanitation and ventilation might greatly mitigate this evil. Crowded into small galleries, lockers are jammed tightly together, unventilated, dust-covered and filled with malodorous clothing. It does not seem too much to ask of the gymnasium authorities that the windows be opened and the galleries aired as much as possible, and that the lockers themselves be rearranged in order to secure adequate ventilation. Or even, if this last consummation be unattainable, they might be cleared out and cleaned at frequent intervals. Their present state is unwarrantable, and the Christmas recess furnishes an opportunity for correction.
