
Yale Team Played Freshmen

New Haven, Conn., Nov. 2, 1910.--Practice for the Yale university team today consisted of a scrimmage with the freshman team. The university team gained consistently and seldom allowed the freshmen a chance for offensive work. The play resulted in a victory for the university team, the score being 23 to 5. Savage and Field, who have been out of the game on account of injuries, were in the line-up.

The university team played as follows: l.e., J. Kilpatrick, Blakesly; l.t., Scully, Tomlinson; l.g., Fuller; c., Morris, Read; r.g., McDevitt; r.t., Savage; r.e., Philbin, F. Kilpatrick; q.b., Strout, Merritt; l.h.b., Field, Freeman; r.h.b., Reilly Potter, Waters; f.b., Howe, Deming, Kistler.
