
University Calendar

*Open to University **Open to Public.

Monday, November 21.

*MORNING PRAYER. Rev. President Francis J. McConnell, of Greencastle, Ind. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.

**LECTURE "The Life and Works of Beethoven." (With musical illustrations.) Professor Friedlaender. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members of the University until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture.

*PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Some Recent Results in Spectrum Analysis." Mr. W. O. Sawtelle, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 24, 5 P. M.

*MODERN LANGUAGE CONFERENCE, "From Fact to Fiction, 1663-1673." Dr. Ernest Bernbaum. Common Room, Conant Hall, 8.P. M.
