
Yale Team in Two Scrimmages

New Haven, Conn., Nov. 1.--Practice for the Yale university team today consisted of a scrimmage with the second team followed by one with the freshman team. Against the second the university team worked the ball down to the 10-yard line where Deming, who was playing on the second, secured a fumble and ran to the university's 5-yard line before being downed. The scrimmage between the university and freshman teams lasted half an hour, and resulted in a victory for the university team by the score of 11 to 0.

The university line-up was as follows: l.e., Philbin; l.t., Scully; l.g., McDevitt; c., Morris; r.g., Fuller; r.t., Savage; r.e., Brooks; q.b., Merritt; l.h.b., Potter; r.h.b., Kistler; f.b., Howe.
