

The Union this year, as in the past, is being used as a meeting place and general rendezvous for the many and varied undergraduate interests, and besides has increased its usefulness by inaugurating an arrangement through which men can have their meals at the restaurant by the week. This innovation has met with unexpected success, and will in all probability ultimately do away with the large deficit which appears on each annual report charged to the restaurant. The management deserves high praise for this improvement, which is at the same time profitable and very popular.

Although the Union is from year to year demonstrating its usefulness to the University more clearly, the membership has continued to fall off. The management feels confident that the advantages offered to members are as great as ever, and has consequently sent to those men who have not yet joined reminders of this fact. It seems that thoughtlessness is probably the reason why a great many undergraduates have not become members, for it is certain that there is in the University a large number of men who can afford to do so, but who have not yet taken the trouble. The CRIMSON sincerely hopes that those who are able to join will do so at once, for no University institution deserves more generous and widespread support than does the Union.
