

Second Freshman Team Defeated in Final Game by Score of 12-0.

In the final game of the interclass series the Seniors defeated the second Freshman team, 12 to 0, on Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon. The Seniors were clearly superior in all departments of the game, and made good gains through the Freshman line almost at will. Fumbling alone prevented a larger score.

The first touchdown was made by Sweetser after a brilliant 40-yard run through a broken field. In the latter part of the game a large number of substitutions so weakened the Seniors' line that the Freshmen were able to prevent them from running up a large score. For the Seniors, Sweetser, Floyd and Cotting played the best game, and Tupper excelled for the second Freshmen. The line-ups: SENIORS.  SECOND FRESHMEN. J. Murdoch, Browne, Carr, Corcoran, l.e.  r.e., Coolidge, Schwab Kean, Washburn, l.t.  r.t., Wheelwright Cotting, Caunt, Fisk, l.g.  r.g., Searle Chadwick, Stiles, c.,  c., Poole Hobart, Brotchie, Parkman, r.g.  l.g., Warren Webber, Rindge, Butler, r.t.  l.t., Flanagan McLaughlin, R. Murdoch, Hall, MacLaughlin, r.e.  l.e., Hoogs, Hood Bouve, Sexton, q.b.  q.b., Bright Floyd, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Tupper, Pitman A. Sweetser, Gross, Steele, r.h.b.  l.h.b. Handy, Williams Lewis, Hubbard, Branch, f.b.  f.b., Tyler, Simons

Score--Seniors, 12; Second Freshmen, 0. Touchdowns--Sweetser, Lewis, Goals from touchdowns--Cotting, 2. Referee--H. McGuire '14. Umpire--F. Parker, Jr., '13. Field-judge--K. B. Day '11. Headlinesman--L. Well '11.
