

Undergraduates to Assemble in Front of Hollis and March to the Field.

The members of the University will march to Soldiers Field this afternoon to witness the last practice which the University team will hold here before it leaves for Farmington. The team will leave by a special car from the car barns on Boylston street tomorrow at 1.10 o'clock. The different classes will assemble in the Yard at 3.30 o'clock sharp at the following places: Seniors in front of Hollis, Juniors in front of Stoughton, Sophomores in front of Holworthy, Freshmen in front of Holworthy, Freshmen in front of Thayer. The following men have been appointed marshals of their classes and should see that the men assemble promptly: 1911, H. Jaques, Jr.; 1912, H. L. Gaddis; 1913, G. H. Roosevelt; 1914, W. T. Gardiner.

Enough money was collected at the mass meeting last evening to hire Kanrich's band. This will precede the parade and furnish the music for the singing practice which will be held at the field.
