

To be Held in Living Room at 7.30.--Parade to Field Tomorrow at 3.30.

The second football mass meeting of the year will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 7.30 o'clock. R. C. Foster '11 will lead the cheering, and S. B. Steel '11, the singing. The meeting will be open to all members of the University.

The mass meeting which was to have been held in Sanders Theatre on Wednesday evening will take place in the Living Room of the Union instead.

Arrangements for Parade.

Tomorrow afternoon there will be a parade to the Stadium to witness the last practice for the University football squad before it leaves for Farmington, Connecticut, on Wednesday afternoon. At 3.30 o'clock all undergraduates will assemble in front of Holworthy and march in a body to the field. At 4 or 4.15 o'clock the practice will be thrown open to undergraduates, and the songs and cheers will be rehearsed while the squad is on the field.
