
Harvard Men Won at Brockton

The members of the University track team who competed at the Brockton Fair yesterday won four first, one second, and two thirds. The best work was done by J. K. Lewis '11, who won the 120-yard high hurdles in 18 1-5 seconds, and finished second to R. C. Foster '11 in the 220-yard low hurdles. R. Murray '12 won the pole-vault at 11 feet, 4 inches, including the handicap, and R. V. Moody '11 secured first with his handicap in the shot-put at 44 feet, 6 inches. O. M. Chadwick '11 was third in the pole-vault and H. H. Heath '11 won the same place in the broad jump. A relay team made up of J. H. Noble '11, G. H. McCaffrey '12, D. B. Adams '12, and H. M. Warren '13, finished second in the team race.
