
First Crew Practice Today

Fall work for the University crew squad will begin this afternoon. The following men will report at the University boathouse, dressed to row, at 3.45 o'clock sharp: A. Abeles, C. Abeles, Anderson, Balch, Beane, Brownlee, Chadwick, Coe, G. C. Cutler, R. W. Cutler, Davis, Goodale, Higginson, Hoar, Hooper, Lincoln, Metcalf, Meyer, Moffat, Morgan, Nelson, Newton, J. Parker, R. S. Parker, C. W. Peabody, S. O. Richardson, Sargent, Shillito, Stratton, Strong, Sullivan, Voorhees, Warren, C. T. Weston, Wiggins. Anyone who cannot report at the above time please notify R. W. Cutter '11, 36 Dunster Hall, before 10 o'clock.

Coach Wray will have charge of the squad, which will be made up into three University eights. No hard work will be attempted until the last week of the fall season, when a three and one-half mile handicap race will be held between the three crews. Candidates for the various dormitory crews will be called out tomorrow. All Freshmen who are not playing football should report for dormitory rowing. This branch of fall rowing affords every new man an excellent opportunity to obtain preliminary training, which will prove valuable when the Freshman crew squad is called out in the spring. A more definite announcement concerning dormitory rowing will be made in tomorrow's CRIMSON.
