
Fall Track Entries to Close at 6

Entries for the fall handicap track games, which will be held on Soldiers Field on Friday, must be made before 6 o'clock today in the blue-book at the Locker Building, or at Leavitt & Peirce's. As there is no separate Freshman track met this fall it is hoped that a large number of 1914 men will enter, Cups will be given for first and second places in each event, as last year, and there will be no entrance fee. The following is a complete list off events: 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440-yard dash, 880-yard run, mile run, two mile run, 120-yard high hurdles, 120-yard low hurdles, running high jump, running broad jump, pole-vault, 16-pound shot-put, 16-pound hammer-throw.

Contrary to the custom of past years, no "H" men will be allowed to compete in the meet. For this reason all members of the University who intend to enter track athletics at all this year, or men who believe they have ability in any event, whether experienced or not, are urged to sign the blue-book. The coaches especially urge new men to enter the field events. All men entering the meet must take strength test today or tomorrow at the Gymnasium between 2 and 4 o'clock.
