

Aggressive Work by Harvard's Opponents, Line Showed Weakness.

The University football team defeated Brown in the Stadium Saturday afternoon by the score of 12 to 0 in the hardest game played this year. Although two touchdowns were scored, Harvard did not play as fast or accurate a game as against Amherst, there being a decided lack of snap and dash to the offensive work.

The first touchdown came near the end of the first half after L. D. Smith recovered a kick which Marble had muffed. From the 11-yard line, Corbett and Wendell made 5 yards in two rushes, and then Corbett went over for the score. The second touchdown was made by Graustein in the middle of the last period. Brown had carried the ball through Harvard territory for 88 yards on 13 line plays and three successful forward passes. On the 3-yard line Sprackling made a pass to Ashbaugh, but it was intercepted by Graustein who, aided by good interference, ran the length of the field for a touchdown.

In the early part of the game Brown was on the defensive almost entirely, and it was not until the fourth period, when substitutions were made in the Harvard team that Brown was able to gain consistently without kicking. Harvard profited by Brown's mistakes, but much more could have been gained in this way if the team had followed the ball more closely and been on the alert when Brown fumbled. Brown analyzed the University team's plays quickly, while the Harvard forwards were puzzled at all times by the opposing line shift, in spite of the fact that this play was used repeatedly.

Brown's rush-line was the heaviest and best coached that Harvard has played against. Their attack was vicious and varied. In their long march down the field they had no difficulty in making first down six times.

In the kicking game Harvard excelled, Corbett, Potter, Tryon, and Felton all doing consistent work. McKay of Brown was hurried in getting off his punts, which the Harvard backs ran in further because the opposing ends were well blocked. B. Smith, Kratz, Sisson and Sprackling did the most effective/work for Brown. For Harvard, Smith and Lewis made some excellent tackles, but were unable to make consistent gains with the forward pass from Potter. In the backfield Corbett was the most reliable ground gainer, and Wendell at times advanced the ball for large gains through the line.


The Game in Detail.

Withington kicked off to Sprackling, who ran in 18 yards before he was downed. McKay failed to gain at left tackle and kicked to Potter, who was downed on Brown's 53-yard line. Corbett made 3 yards, but kicked to Sprackling on the third down. Sprackling ran in 20 yards to his 33-yard line. On the next play High failed to gain and McKay punted to Corbett, who ran to midfield. Wendell and Corbett then netted 7 yards in the line, but the latter kicked to Sprackling. High and Marble made only two yards through tackle, compelling McKay to kick to Corbett who made 25 yards to his 37-yard line. Wendell lost 6 yards on an end run but Corbett circled the same end on the next play for 8 yards, running from a kick formation. As the backs were unable to gain, Corbett again punted to Sprackling on his 30-yard line. Sprackling failed to gain twice and again McKay punted to Potter. The latter made 13 yards before the Brown ends tackled him simultaneously. The largest gain up to that time was made on the next play, when Wendell went through left tackle for 20 yards, carrying the ball to Brown's 37-yard line. Corbett made 2 yards, and then Wendell again broke through left tackle for 8 more. L. D. Smith was offside on this play and Harvard was penalized 5 yards. Lewis attempted a drop-kick from the 40-yard line but the strong wind carried the ball just outside the western goal post. Brown put the ball in play from the 25-yard line but was unable to gain more than 3 yards in two downs. Sprackling then punted to Tryon who caught the ball on Brown's 54-yard line. Corbett made 42 yards in two rushes, and it was Harvard's ball on Brown's 13-yard line. Two downs netted as many yards and on the third down Harvard lost the ball, E. Adams throwing L. D. Smith two yards short of the required distance, after the latter had caught a forward pass from Potter. McKay immediately kicked to Corbett on Brown's 43-yard line. Again Brown took the ball on downs. On the next play Marble, with Sprackling interfering, ran 25 yards to Harvard's 50-yard line.

First Score in Second Period.

After High had made 15 yards on two line plays, Brown was penalized 15 yards for holding. A forward pass netted only 3 yards, and Sprackling kicked to Potter, who ran the ball 8 yards to his 35-yard line. After two failures in the line, Tryon punted to Sprackling on Brown's 46-yard line. High made 6 yards on the first play but on the next was thrown by L. D. Smith for a loss. Sprackling then kicked to Potter and Corbett returned the ball on the second play. After this, the ball went back and forth frequently on an exchange of punts, neither back-field being able to gain through the opposing line.

Finally Potter kicked outside on Brown's 17-yard line. Marble and High carried the ball to the 23-yard line in two plays, and an offside penalty gave Brown 5 yards more. Two plays in the line netted nothing and the punt by McKay gave the ball to Harvard on its 53-yard line. Felton returned the ball to Sprackling, after the backs were blocked for a loss on two line plays. High made 9 yards on the next two plays, but Sprackling punted outside on his 43-yard line. Wendell and Potter made 5 yards and Potter kicked on the third. His punt was fumbled by Marble, and recovered by L. D. Smith on Brown's 11-yard line. Corbett made a yard, Wendell followed with 6 more through tackle and then Corbett went through right tackle for a touchdown. Withington kicked the goal. Potter ran the kick-off from the 15 to the 23-yard line, whence Felton kicked to Sprackling, who fumbled and allowed Corbett to recover the ball. On the second play Potter kicked over the goal-line and the ball was Brown's on its 25-yard line as the half ended.

Brown Aggressive in Second Half.

Withington kicked off to Sprackling, who advanced the ball to the 18-yard line. On the next two plays, Marble and Sprackling were both thrown for losses, so McKay punted to Corbett, who was downed on his 45-yard line. Neither Corbett nor Wendell could gain, and Potter kicked, the punt being recovered by Tryon on Brown's 40-yard line. On the next two plays only 4 yards were made, and on Corbett's kick, Sprackling was forced outside by Potter on Brown's 35-yard line. Brown could not gain and McKay punted to Corbett who ran in 9 yards to his 30-yard line. Good gains by Wendell and Corbett carried the ball to midfield, where Graustein took Corbett's place. A short kick was recovered by Sprackling on his 30-yard line, but the pass on the next play was poor and McKay lost 10 yards. After an exchange of punts L. D. Smith recovered a short kick on Brown's 17-yard line. Lewis failed in a try for a field-goal, and Brown kicked out from the goal line to Minot, who made a fair catch on Brown's 45-yard line. After Graustein made 8 yards, Potter's kick went behind the goal-line and Brown rushed the ball from the 25-yard line. The period ended after several more plays with the ball in Brown's possession on its 24-yard line.

Graustein's Long Run in Fourth Period.

As Brown could not gain, McKay punted to Corbett who was thrown on his 43-yard line. On the next play Harvard was penalized 15 yards for holding, and Potter punted to Sprackling, who advanced the ball to his 20-yard line. From here Brown's splendid attack carried the ball in 16 plays to Harvard's 2-yard line. High and McKay alternating at either side of centre went to the 47-yard line. A forward pass hit Ashbaugh's hands and went outside where it was recovered by a Brown man. McKay made first down just across midfield. After another line play, Sprackling made a long forward pass to Ashbaugh who fumbled, but B. Smith recovered the ball on Harvard's 27-yard line. McKay and High made first down in two rushes, and from the 17-yard line Sprackling passed to Young who was tackled on Harvard's 7-yard line. High made 5 yards, but as there was no gain on the next play, Sprackling again tried the forward pass, but Graustein intercepted it and ran the length of the field for a touchdown. Fisher kicked the goal.

During the rest of the period Brown kept the ball in Harvard territory, the many substitutes in the Harvard line not being able to prevent Brown's gains.

The summary:

HARVARD.  BROWN.Lewis, Felton, l.e.  r.e., AshbaughMcKay, l.t.  r.t., B. SmithMinot, F. Leslie, l.g.  r.g., Goldberg, CorpHuntington, c.  c., SissonFisher, Keays, r.g.  l.g., KulpWithington, Bush, r.t.  l.t., KratzL. D. Smith, O'Flaherty, r.e.  l.e., E. Adams, G. AdamsPotter, Gardner, q.b.  q.b., SpracklingCorbett, Graustein, l.h.b.  r.h.b., McKay, WarnerWendell, Corbett, Pierce, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Marble, YoungTryon, Morrison, f.b.  f.b., High, Dea
