

A. Sweetser '11 vs. W. B. Fraser-Campbell '11 on Jarvis Field at 2.45.

The final round of the fall tournament for the championship of the University in tennis singles will be played on Jarvis Field this afternoon at 2.45 o'clock. The contestants, A. Sweetser '11 and W. B. Fraser-Campbell '11, are both members of the University tennis team, Sweetser being captain.

The championship was won last year by Sweetser, who defeated E. T. Dana 2G. in the final round, while Fraser-Campbell lost in the third round to H. H. Rolfe sL. Fraser-Campbell, however, has shown excellent form this year, defeating E. H. Whitney '14, the semi-finalist at Newport, in the semi-final round. The match this afternoon should be close.

In the doubles tournament, the final round, in which A. Sweetser '11 and W. B. Fraser-Campbell '11 will meet J. R. McLane 2L. and E. P. Pearson 2L., will be played tomorrow afternoon.

The opening of the interclass tournament has been postponed until Wednesday.
