

Dormitory rowing has been continued from year to year because it provides exercise for a great number of men who would otherwise be idle, and because it furnishes the coaches an excellent opportunity for discovering new material for the University crew. For these two purposes alone this work should receive the active support of enough men to form at least fifteen or twenty crews, but this year, as in the past, the coaches find difficulty in getting men to report regularly. Those who are remiss in this matter not only fail to get their own exercise, but spoil the pleasure and profit to be had by others.

When it happens that the make-up of a crew must be changed almost daily through the failure of men to report, the chances of the crew in question are almost annihilated. A man's simple interest in his crew should make him bear this in mind.

Another more important question is that of consideration for the other members of his crew. In every boat there are men who take part in fall rowing as a serious step toward a place in the University or Freshman boat. The irregularity of certain men bears most unjustly upon these men, as every shift and change retards their development. The oarsmen who take the dormitory rowing practice as a voluntary exercise should bear in mind that they are unfair to their crew-mates individually and collectively when they fail to report.
