
Publication of Alumni Directory

At the meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard College of April 19, 1909, it was voted to authorize the publication of an address list of former students of the University, to be called The Harvard Alumni Directory. The preparation of this volume is in the hands of the Alumni Association and the work is now being carried on in University Hall. The Alumni Directory will seek to give the names, addresses, and occupations of all men now alive who have been students in any department of the University long enough to have their names included in the first annual Catalogue after their registration as students.

The Directory will be divided into two parts:

(1)The first part will contain the names arranged in alphabetical order, showing the years of residence in the University, the degrees obtained, the occupation, and the post-office address.

(2)The second part will contain the same names, classified geographically, with post-office addresses, so that the Harvard men in a given village, town city, or state will appear together.

The first edition will be published as soon as the information can be gathered.


Circulars, with reply postal card and subscription blank, have been sent to all graduates and members of the University asking for their co-operation
