
Lectures on Business Subjects

Arrangements have been made for a series of lectures on business subjects of general interest under the auspices of the Graduate School of Business Administration. The lectures are to be open to all members of the University. Following is a list of the dates, the lecturers, and their subjects:

Thursday, January 13, George D. Markham '81, of W.H. Markham and Company, St. Louis, on "Insurance, a Useful commercial Invention, and an Interesting Occupation." Emerson A at 8 P.M.

Wednesday, February 23, Hon. Charles A. Prouty, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington, D.C., on "The Freight Rate in Business and in Politics."

Wednesday, March 2, John Gardin, Vice-President of the Chalmers-Detroit Motor Company, Detroit, on "Modern Methods of Salesmanship."

Wednesday, March 9. Hugh Chalmers, President of the Chalmers-Detroit Motor Company, Detroit, on "Modern Methods of Salesmanship."


Wednesday, March 23. W.G. McAdoo, President of the Hudson and Manhattan Railroad Company, New York, on "The Relation between Public Service Corporations and the Public."

Wednesday, April 13. Hon. Franklin Macveagh, Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D.C. Subject to be announced.
