

To Be Outlined in Union at 7 by Captains Little and Withington.

A meeting of all the candidates for the University and Freshman track teams and the University football team will be held in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. W. F. Garcelon L.'95 will speak and C. C. Little '10 will outline the work of the track team. It is necessary that all members of the football squad who are not trying for the baseball team or crew should report at this meeting, as Captain Withington will have some important announcements to make about the winter and spring work.

Regular work will commence this afternoon on Soldiers Field. Track men should report to Coach Donovan and field-event men at the Cage sometime during the afternoon. Men having afternoon College work may arrange with the coaches for special hours in the morning; regular morning squads will be arranged later. The board track and the separate 50-yard straight-away on Soldiers Field have been completed and will be ready for use this afternoon. As the most important races of the winter in the B. A. A. meet come on February 12, it is necessary that regular practice and training should start at once.

All undergraduates in the University who are interested in track athletics or football and who are not actively engaged in either crew or baseball work are urged to attend the joint track and football meeting in the Union tonight.
