
University Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Saturday, January 29.

**MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. H. S. Coffin, D.D. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.

**LECTURE. "Small-pox." (Illustrated.) Dr. J. H. McCollom. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.

Sunday, January 30.

**MORNING SERVICE. Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin, D.D., of New York, N. Y. Appleton Chapel, 11 A. M. Students of the University enter at the south side-door. Students accompanied by friends enter at the north side-door. Officers of the University and their families enter at the month side-door. No seats except in the galleries will be open to the public.


**LECTURE. "Hearing and Speech." Dr. C. J. Blake. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M.

Monday, January 31.

Medical and Dental Students are required to pay the second instalment of the tuition fee on or before this date.

PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at 50 State street, Boston, 10.30 A. M.

**KING'S CHAPEL LECTURES. "Certain Readjustments between the Church and the Community Required by Recent Theological and Social Changes." Professor A. P. Fitch. King's Chapel, Boston, 2.30 P. M.

Tuesday, February 1.

Last day for receiving applications for the degree of A.B. or S.B. in the middle of the year.

SECOND HALF-YEAR begins in the Graduate School of Business Administration, the Medical School, and the Dental School.

FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, 4 P. M.

Thursday, February 3.

*PATHOLOGICAL COLLOQUIUM. "A New Method of Staining Spirochaetae (Treponemata)." Dr. A. A. W. Ghoreyeb.--"Recent Work on Encephalitis." Dr. E. E. Southard. Lecture Room, Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M. Open to members of the University and to physicians.

Friday, February 4.

UNIVERSITY TEA. Phillips Brooks House; 4 to 6 P. M. All members of the University are cordially invited.

Saturday, February 5.

FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Meeting at Medical School, Boston, 8 P. M.

**LECTURE. "Posture and Carriage as Affected by School and Clothing." Dr. R. W. Lovett. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.
