
Arrangements for Senior Dormitories

Announcement has been made from the Bursar's Office that blank application forms for the special assignment of rooms in Hollis, Holworthy and Stoughton to members of the Junior class will be ready at the Bursar's Office on February 14, and that the allotment will be made on February 19.

Following the custom of the past two years, preference in the allotment will be given to Seniors, and any men living in these buildings at present who will not be Seniors next fall must give up their rooms; but those men from 1911 who have rooms in these buildings now will be allowed to renew their leases.

In Halworthy, there are twenty-two rooms available. The rooms are arranged in double suites, two bed-rooms and a study, and are rented at $275. There are 30 rooms available in Hollis, the prices ranging from $115 to $170. These rooms are large double rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat. In Stoughton there are 29 rooms to be allotted and the prices and equipment are the same as in Hollis: In all three buildings there are shower baths on each floor.

Applications may be made in groups of four, three or two students, with preference to groups of four. Single applicants may also apply together. No applications will be considered for groups larger than four. A student may apply in a group of four and also in a group of four and also in a group of two. Applications will not be considered unless the student has deposited with the Bursar a bond of $400, or has deposited there $50 in cash as security. Those men who have satisfied the Bursar's requirements by a cash deposit must increase their deposit before the allotment to cover the rent of the most expensive room on their application; otherwise their application will not be considered. Each student must sign his own name to his application. Any lack of observance of these requirements on the part of any one name on an application blank affects all the applicants and the entire application will be thrown out
