
Half-Mile Cup Given by H. Watson

H. Watson '10 has given a cup to be competed for by half-milers who are eligible for the University track team. The competition will last over a period up to and including the dual meet with Yale. The following official set of rules governing the competition for the cup has been drawn up by the Athletic Committee and the track management:

"The awarding of the cup will be determined as follows: The sum of the places won will be divided by the number of races in which the man competes, the man having the best average to be the winner, the position of a man at the finish of each race to count in making up his total places won. He must take part in at least six competitions.

"Every man competing in a set of games must receive the sanction of the trainer before taking part.

"In indoor events where the distance is not exactly a half-mile, it shall be determined by the track captain and H. Watson '10, as to whether the events shall count."

As formerly announced the 780-yard race at the South Boston Athletic Club's meet tonight will be the first event to count for this cup. This will be open only to Harvard men. There will be no event in the B. A. A. meet on February 12, however, that will count for the cup.
