
Mr. Brown on Stage Settings at 8

Mr. Frank Couteau Brown, editor of the Architectural Review, and a wellknown Boston architect, will deliver a lecture on "Stage Settings and the Modern Stage" under the joint auspices of the Dramatic and the Pen and Brush Clubs in the Large Lecture Room of Robinson Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be extensively illustrated by stereopticon views of the stages and scenery of important theatres in the United States. Among the views will be a number in colors of jules Guerin's scenery for the plays given at the New Theatre in New York: such as "The Cottage in the Air" by E. G. Knoblauch '96 "Antony and Cleopatra." "The School for Scandal," and "Strife." The lecture will be free and open to the public.

Mr. Brown is the chairman of the Dramatic Committee of the Twentieth Century Club of Boston, the object of which is similar to that of the University Dramatic Club. While Winthrop Ames '95 was in control of the Castle Square Theatre, Mr. Brown had charge of the making of the scenery for a number of Shakesperian plays.

After the lecture the members of the Dramatic and Pen and Brush Clubs will give an informal reception to Mr. Brown in the Pen and Brush Club Rooms in Robinson Hall.
