
Resignation of Prof. F. W. Putnam

At a recent meeting of the Corporation the resignation of Frederick Ward Putnam '62S., Peabody Professor of American Archaeology and Ethnology and curator of the Peabody Museum, was accepted, to take effect September 1, 1909.

After being graduated from Harvard, Professor Putnam went to Salem, where he acted as superintendent of the Essex Institute and director of the Peabody Academy of Science until 1874. The following year he became curator of the Peabody Museum. In 1886 he received the appointment to the Peabody professorship. He has also held the positions of chief of the department of ethnology at the World's Columbian Exposition and the curatorship of the division of Anthropology in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. His publications on zoology and anthropology number over 300. Since 1870 he has been engaged in research work and explorations in American archeology.
