

In Weld Boathouse This Afternoon.--Temporary Captains Appointed.

Class rowing for the spring will begin this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, when all candidates for the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore class crews are expected to report at the Weld boathouse, prepared to row. Crews will be made up immediately and will continue practicing until about the middle of May, when the class races will be held. Everyone is asked to report whether he has had rowing experience or not, as the crews of each class will be graded and will race against the corresponding grade in the other classes, so that all will be on an equal footing. Coach Stephenson will coach the Sophomore crews, and Coach Brown will have charge of the Seniors and Juniors.

The Following have been appointed temporary captains of their class crews: Seniors, G. Butler; Juniors, G. Martin; Sophomores, M. E. Peabody. The following members of the University squad will be expected to report hereafter with their respective class crews: C. J. Cudahy Sp., S. B. Comstock Sp., F. D. Everett '11, E. Harding '11, F. R. Maxwell '10, M. E. Peabody '11, W. B. Richards '09, M. H. Richardson '09, R. S. Tabor '09.

University and Freshman Crew Practice.

For the first time this year the University and Freshman crew squads rowed down-stream to the basin yesterday afternoon. The water was rough owing to the cold wind, and little blade work could be attempted. Four University and four Freshman crews were sent out, the work of the latter being supervised by Coach Stephenson, who accompanied them in his single. The order of the University boat was the same as last week, Coach Wray continuing to row 2 in place of Lunt.
