

In connection with the recent agitation for the improvement of the Yard dormitories, we should like to suggest a change in the rules for applying for rooms in these buildings. At present the rooms in the three Senior dormitories are allotted in the middle of February, and applications for the other College buildings are due in April. By this time practically all the rooms in outside buildings have been allotted, and if the applications for Yard rooms are unsuccessful, there is but little chance of getting any but inferior lodgings. Every year many applications for the Senior dormitories fail, and in the other College buildings the applicants have to be content with other rooms than those they desired. The realization of this state of affairs by the undergraduates undoubtedly keeps a great number of them from applying at all, and prevents the Yard from being as representative as it should be. We believe that conditions would be improved if the allotments were made in January or earlier. By that time nearly everyone has made up his mind as to his plans for the next year, and if the applications were unsuccessful there would still be a chance to get good rooms at the outside dormitories.
