

A scrub hockey series to maintain during the winter the interest in intercollegiate sport, as well as to provide a wholesome means of outdoor exercise, has been arranged by the University management and needs only the co-operation of the students to be successful. In other years such a series of games has been popular, and has filled very acceptably the place which class and scrub games of various sorts take in the fall and spring seasons.

This year with the stimulus of intercollegiate competition in basketball eliminated there will naturally be less interest in that sport. A transfer of support to hockey may reasonably be expected to take place. As a sport hockey is undoubtedly superior to basketball, and the fact that it is played in the open air makes it more valuable as a means of exercise.

It is unfortunate that the management cannot provide a rink in the Stadium especially for this series. But it seems likely that there will be considerable skating on the river, and with and added accommodation of pounds and private rinks in the vicinity it should be no very difficult matter to have the games played on scheduled dates.
