
Election of 1912 Officers Today

The election of the Sophomore class officers for the coming year will be held by Australian ballot in the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate, not in the CRIMSON Office, as has been customary heretofore, today between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. All men entering with the class of 1912 are eligible to vote.

The revised list of nominations, to which the name of T. S. Ross, as a nominee for secretary-treasurer, has been added by petition, is as follows: for president, R. T. Fisher, H. L. Gaddis, R. S. Potter; for vice-president, L. D. Smith, J. G. Wiggins, R. B. Wigglesworth; for secretary-treasurer, T. Frothingham, Jr., H. L. Groves, T. S. Ross, H. deWindt.

The following have been appointed watchers at the polls and will report at the Lodge promptly at the hours assigned unless it is absolutely impossible, in which case a substitute must be sent: 9 to 10--G. H. Balch; 10 to 11--W. H. Fernald, D. P. Ranney; 11 to 12--H. Holt, Jr., G. P. Metcalf; 12 to 1--F. Higginson, A. Strong; 1 to 2--R. Clifford; 2 to 3--A. C. Yarnall, J. Simpkins; 3 to 4--H. C. Dewey; 4 to 5--R. Clifford; 5 to 6--F. H. Leslie, F. D. Huntington.

It is very urgent that everybody should vote for the class officers today. There was not a meeting of the class last year when more than one-third appeared. There is absolutely no excuse for this. To eliminate this, the place of voting has been changed to the Lodge at the Class of '77 Gate and there will be no excuse for anyone not voting. It is a duty that no one should neglect.


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