
Yale Game Ticket Delivery Today

Notices of the receipt at the Cambridge Post Office of registered letters containing tickets for the Yale football game will be sent out to those people who are regularly supplied by the Cambridge Post Office in the 7.30 o'clock mail delivery this morning. In order to receive their tickets, men must bring these notices as well as their Bursar's cards, H.A.A. tickets, or other well-known means of identification to the Post Office.

The Post Office will be open for the delivery of registered letters at 9 o'clock this morning and will remain open until 12 o'clock tonight. As there are 3,200 registered letters to be sent out, it will probably be two or three days before all the tickets can be delivered, and it will facilitate matters if every man will have his notice and identification with him, as under no circumstances will a delivery be made to anyone not having these requirements.

The Post Office officials have had 35 men working on the letters steadily since Sunday night. By yesterday at 3 o'clock every letter had been checked, weighted, carded, post-marked, and billed to its destination.

Statement by Athletic Association.

The Athletic Association has issued the following statement in regard to the delivery of the Yale game tickets at the Post Office:


The management has received a number of applications signed for personal use, of which the sincerity has been doubted. This is especially so in the case of applications being sent in the name of graduates who do not reside near Boston and where the tickets are to be delivered at the Cambridge Post Office. In these doubtful cases a personal receipt will be required of the person to whom the tickets are addressed, at the Post Office, and the management warns that signing another's name is a criminal offence under the United States laws.
