
Short Practice for Freshman Team

The greater part of the Freshman football practice yesterday afternoon consisted in punting to the backfield, blocking by the ends and in forming interference against the substitutes. The practice began with a short session of tackling the dummy. This was followed by the backs catching punts under the direction of Coach Waterbury and the ends practicing blocking under Coach Moore.

The first team then lined up against the substitutes. The latter were given the ball and the plays were walked through, special attention being paid to interference. After a short, snappy signal practice, the first team was sent in to the Locker Building.

The second team lined up against the Juniors in a 15-minute scrimmage, in which the Juniors scored once on a fluke.

Class to March to Final Practice.

The Freshman class will march to Soldiers Field this afternoon to cheer the last practice of the Freshman football team. The class will assemple in front of Mathews at 3.15 sharp and will march to the field headed by a band. G. H. Roosevelt '13 will be marshal and cheer leader, assisted by T. H. Frothingham '13 and C. M. Makepeace '13. There will be no parade to the field on Saturday.


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