

At last a satisfactory system for the selection of assistant managers of the various teams has been devised, and the Student Council is to be congratulated on its solution of this long-standing difficulty. Many methods have been tried with but little success. Until 1907 the selection of the assistants devolved almost entirely on the managers, and there was a great deal of adverse criticism because of the alleged unfairness of the competitions. Then the captains and managers hit on a plan by which the assistants were to be chosen by the "H" men of the particular sport concerned and the leaders of the other major teams. At first this appeared to be an admirable method for securing the best man, but it was found that the electors did not take a great deal of interest in the matter and the same protestations of unfairness were heard. After the founding of the Student Council, the method adopted yesterday was advocated, and it will go into force immediately.

The CRIMSON feels confident that the new plan will work out successfully, and although perhaps not perfect it is certainly superior to the former methods. The Student Council can be relied on to see to it that there is no unfairness in the competitions and that the most deserving candidate is elected; and with the addition of this power the Council is taking a long step toward the realization of its ambition to make itself an indispensable factor in undergraduate life.
