

All lovers of the drama in the University have been awaiting for many weeks the performance of "Twelfth Night" which Miss Maude Adams and her company will present in Sanders Theatre this evening at the request of the English Department of the University. It is but a little more than four years ago that Mr. Forbes Robertson gave a memorable presentation Hamlet on the same Elizabethan stage, and the Department is to be congratulated on procuring such an admirable production to continue this series of Elizabethan drams. It is, after all, a great compliment that an actress of Miss Adams's renown should be willing to go to the trouble and expense of preparing a performance, especially for this one or two other occasions, and the University is grateful. The performance tonight will have also the reminiscent charm produced by the elaborate reproduction of Elizabethan conditions under which the plays were first given. The committee has reproduced as faithfully as the physical structure of Sanders will permit the early stage arrangements, and the performance will he as nearly Shakespearean as possible.

Harvard welcomes Miss Adams; and this being undergraduate night, this welcome will be extended to her by those for whom the performance was arranged. "The committee, too, should come in for its share of appreciation, for without them the performance would have been impossible.
