

Indication Point to Closer Meet Than in Former Years.

This afternoon at 2.45 o'clock the third dual track meet between Harvard and Dartmouth will be held in the Stadium. Second place will count three points instead of two as in the meet with Yale. Silver and bronze medals will be awarded for first and second places respectively.

Last year Harvard heat Dartmouth 83 points to 34. Dartmouth winning 2 first, 6 3-2 second, and 4 1-2 third places. Although there is little ground for comparison of the two teams at present, every indication points to a victory for the University by a safe margin. Dartmouth in all probability will win more points this year than last. Captain A. B. Shaw '08 of Dartmouth has made record performance in the 120 yard hurdles on several occasions, and can be counted as the winner of this event. In the 100-yard dash Sherman and Hawley are Dartmouth's best material, Sherman having secured third place at the Pennsylvania relay games in a fast race. Shipley and arms are both experienced half-milers and have done close to 2 minutes. In the mile run Noyes and Barstow are running equally in about 4 minutes, 45 seconds. Dartmouth has no good two milers.

Dartmouth will be stronger in the field events with two men, Palmer and Holdman, doing over 5 feet, 10 inches in the high jump and Sherman and Gray good for 21 1.2 feet in the broad jump. There are also two men, Holdman and Jenks, who can do II feet in the pole-vault. Pevear of Dartmouth is entered in both the shot-put and hammer-throw and should be among the point winners.

Reserved seat tickets at $1 each are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, Amee's the Harvard Athletic Association, and Wright & Ditson's, Boston. Admission will to 50 cents. H. A. A. tickets will admit; but they will not entitle the holders to reserved seats.

Times and Order of Events.


The times and order of events are as follows:


2.45-120-yard hurdles.

2.55-100-yard dash.

3.00-One-mile run.

3.10-440-yard dash.

3.20-880-yard run.

3.30-220-yard hurdles.

3.40-220-yard dash.

3.50-Two-mile run.


2.45-Putting 16-pound shot.

2.45-Running high jump.


3.15-Throwing 16-pound hammer.

3.15-Running broad jump.

List of Entries.

The list of entries is as follows:


120-Yard hurdles-Harvard: A. L. Besse '10, G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10 A. B. Mason '08, W.M. Rand '09 Dartmouth: J. A. Gray, N. C. Hotaling, E. J. O'Leary, J. Marks, H. B. Seaver, A. B. Shaw.

100-yard dash--Harvard: T. S. Blumer '10, L. P. Dodge '08, P. C. Haskell '08, P. C. Lockwood '08, L. Watson '10. Dartmouth: C. H. Ayer, J. B. Hawley, J. Marks, J. A. Rose, N. A. Sherman.

Mile run--Harvard: J. R. Coolidge '10, H. Guild '10, R. F. Hoyt '10, H. F. Miller, Jr., '08, E. L. Viets '10. Dartmouth--R. W. Barstow, M. C. Blake, J. W. Noyes, M. Ready, G. C. Spokesfield, H. L. Walker.

440-yard run--Harvard: H. E. Keays '10, E. K. Merrihew '10, F. M. deSelding '10, M. B. Van Brunt '08, R. Warren '10. Dartmouth: A. G. Alden, R. L. Carns, W. D. Evans, D. Hoffman.

880-yard run--Harvard: G. W. Ryley '10, M. B. Van Brunt '08, R. Warren '10, H. Watson '10, W. F. Whitcher '09. Dartmouth: C. B. Baxter, R. L. Carns, D, Hoffman, R. E. Palmer G. E. Shipey.

220-yard hurdles--Harvard: G. P. Gartner, Jr., '10, A. B. Mason '08, W. M. Rand '09, O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08. Dartmouth: J. A. Gray, J. Marks, A. B. Shaw, T. A. Smith, H. S. Trask, A. T. Wheeler.

220-yard dash--Harvard: T. S. Blumer '10, L. P. Dodge '08, P. C. Haskell '08, P. C. Lockwood '08, E. K. Merribew '10. Dartmouth: W. D. Evans, J. B. Hawley, J. Marks, J. A. Rose, N. A. Sherman, T. A. Smith.

Two-mile run--Harvard: P. W. Carter '10, M. S. Crosby '08, R. E. Dole '10, C. Lanier '10, E. B. Smith '08, M. H. Whitney '09. Dartmouth: H. S. Clark, E. R. Craig, I. O. Scott, G. C. Spokesfield, H. L. Walker.


Putting 16-pound shot--Harvard: L. W. Bangs '08, F. H. Burr '09, C. C. Little '10m B. T. Stephenson, Jr., '08. Dartmouth: J. B. Hawley, C. K. Pevear, C. H. Tobin.

Running high jump--Harvard: R. G. Harwood '09, F. deH. Houston '10, R. P. Pope '10, G. E. Roosevelt '09, R. E. Somers '08. Dartmouth: J. A. Gray, N. C. Hotaling, E. R. Palmer, N. A. Sherman, J. C. Thomas.

Pole-vault--Harvard: J. L. Barr '10, S. C. Lawrence '10, E. L. Parker '10. Dartmouth: J. A. Gray, G. H. Jenks, D. Parkinson.

Throwing 16-pound hammer--Harvard: H. M. Gilmore '08, J. C. Jones '09, C. C. Little '10, E. H. Ruch '10. Dartmouth: R. C. Bankart, F. J. Johnson, C. K. Pevear.

Running broad jump--Harvard; G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10, C. C. Little '10, O. F. Rogers, Jr., '08, E. H. Ruch '10, B. T. Stephenson, Jr., '08. Dartmouth: C. H. Ayer, J. A. Gray, J. B. Hawley, N. A. Sherman, T. A. Smith, J. C. Thomas
