
Performances at U. of P. Carnival

The fourteenth annual relay carnival of the University of Pennsylvania was held on Franklin Field, Philadelphia, last Saturday. Some very fine performances were made and two records broken. Captain W. R. Dray of Yale established a new world's record of 12 feet, 6 1-2 inches in the pole-vault, an inch better than his previous world's record made in the Harvard-Yale dual meet at New Haven last year. The University of Michigan won the two-mile relay championship in 8 minutes, 4 2-5 seconds, a new collegiate record.

Pennsylvania won the one-mile relay championship in 3 minutes, 28 4-5 seconds, coming within 2 2-5 seconds of the word's record. Shaw of Dartmouth won from Robbins of Yale in the low hurhurdles by only a yard in 15 2-5 seconds. The 100-yard dash went to Stevens of Yale in 10 seconds, with Whitman of Pennsylvania second.

Burroughs of Illinois won both the 16-pound shot-put and the discus-throw with 44 feet, 5 inches and 123 feet, 6 inches, respectively. L. W. Bangs '08 was third in the shot-put with an actual put of 43 feet, 1-2 inch. The high jump was a tie between Thorpe of Carlisle and Miller of Indiana at 6 feet, and Horr of Syracuse won the 16-pound hammer-throw with 148 feet, 1 inch. Cook of Cornell won the broad jump with a jump of 22 feet, 1 1-2 inches
