
Applications for College Rooms Closed at 1 o'clock

All applications for rooms in College dormitories for 1908-09 must be handed in at the Bursar's office before 1 o'clock today. Applications which are not made on the regular printed blanks, and from men who have already engaged College rooms for 1908-09, will not be considered.

The assignment of rooms by lot will be made on Saturday, and the result of the allotment will be announced Monday, April 6. Men who wish to obtain rooms which may be unengaged April 9, or which may become vacant at any time after that date may, after April 6, file applications, specifying the conditions as to buildings, floors, exposure, rent, etc., which they desire to have met, and containing agreements to take any rooms which may be assigned to them which fulfill the specified conditions.

Holyoke House is to be made particularly desirable for next year, as a new heating system and a passenger elevator are to be installed during the summer. The windows of the second and third floors on the north side will be fitted with a double run of sash, which will make the rooms much more quiet.
