
New Plan at Memorial Decided Today

A vote of the members of Memorial Hall will be taken during all three meals today on the proposition of instituting American board at a fixed price of $5 a week. This plan is offered by the board of directors as a substitute for the present system. The Corporation of the University will assist in the inauguration of the plan by remitting three-fourths of the sinking fund payments for at least two months. The Board of Directors has instructed the steward to serve meals at a price not exceeding $5 a week; and they are confident that with the membership equal to the average attendance of the past two months the board can be kept at this figure without lowering the quality of food offered. The transient system will be continued. Coupons will be used for extra orders, and allowance will be made at the present rates for Sunday absence. The Directors propose to start on this plan when the Hall re-opens on January 4.
