

Mount Auburn Street, Weld and Perkins Successful.--Races Today.

The first of the annual interdormitory bumping races was rowed downstream yesterday afternoon, over the one and three-eighths mile course, finishing just beyond the Newell boathouse. The weather conditions could not have been better for rowing, as the river was smooth, it was cool, and the sun was not shining. One bump was made in the first division and two in the second.

At the start of the first division, Claverly began to gain, and by the time the first bend was reached had increased the distance from Randolph. Mount Auburn Street got off well, and gained rapidly on Randolph. Fifty yards before the first bend was reached only 10 feet of water separated the boats, and at the bend Randolph was bumped. Beck-Hampden-Fairfax rowed in good form, and finished far ahead of Thayer. Second Mount Auburn Street began to gain on Thayer from the start, and at the finish had cut down the lead some 50 feet.

In the second division the crews were more evenly matched than in the first, but the Outsiders and Russell-Ware finished in poor form, several of the men being exhausted. Of the second division Weld rowed in the best form, getting off well at the start and gradually gaining on Matthews. At the first bend about 20 feet of water separated the boats, but at this point Matthews quickened their stroke and seemed to draw away from their pursuers. Weld, however, cut in towards the bank and again began to gain, bumping Matthews as the crews were rounding the curve. Perkins gained rapidly on College-House, and just beyond the first bend, bumped the latter crew. Russell-Ware was never in danger from the Outsiders, but both crews finished in poor form.

The Racing Today.

The second day's racing will be held this afternoon, the two divisions rowing again at 3.30 and 4 o'clock. The boats which were bumped yesterday will take up their positions in today's race in the rear of the boats which bumped them.


The races will be started promptly on scheduled time and any crew not at its buoy at the appointed time will be considered out of the race.

The crews will start in the following order:

First Division--1, Claverly; 2, Mount Auburn Street; 3, Randolph; 4, Beck-Hampden-Fairfax; 5, Thayer; 6, Second Mount Auburn Street.

Second Division--1, Weld; 2, Matthews; 3, Perkins; 4, College House; 5, Russell-Ware; 6, Outsiders.

This afternoon's racing should prove interesting, as upon it will depend largely the selection of the four crews to row in the straight-away race in the basin tomorrow. This race will take place at 4 o'clock and will be rowed downstream over the one and one-half mile course. The crews are being carefully watched by Coach Wray and Captain Severance, in whose hands the selection will rest. At, present, Mount Auburn Street, Claverly, Second Mount Auburn Street, and Weld seem the most likely selections.
