

By Special Car From Square at 7.20.--Secret Practice Yesterday.

The University football team will leave the Square for Annapolis at 7.20 o'clock this evening. They will take the Federal Express from the Back Bay Station at 8.04, arriving in Baltimore at 8.41 o'clock Friday morning, when they will breakfast at the Hotel Belvidere. Friday will be spent at the Baltimore Country Club's grounds, where a short signal practice will be held in the afternoon. The team will return to the Belvidere for the night and will leave for Annapolis at 10.30 o'clock Saturday morning.

The following men will be taken: G. Browne, Burr, Crowley, Corbett, Cutler, Cutting, Dunlap, Fish, Forchheimer, Galatti, Gray, Hadden, Harding, Hoar, Houston, Jowett, Kennard, Leslie, Long, McKay, McGuire, Nourse, Robinson, Smith, Ver Wiebe, White, Withington.

The practice yesterday was entirely secret and consisted of thorough preliminary work and a 15-minute scrimmage with the second team, in which the University team scored once, and the second twice. The University team was in poor form, and was held for downs by the second team on the 3-yard line. The first team's score was made by Fish, who fell on the ball behind the line after Withington had blocked a kick. The second team made its touchdown by straight playing from the 35-yard line on Cate's forward pass to Rogers and a tackle play by Page. Later the second team was given the ball on the 5-yard line and again scored. The first part of the practice was given over to work in place-kicking after a fair catch, and kicking from formation with the quarterback holding the ball. Withington's playing was the feature of the practice.

In the scrimmage Gilbert kicked off for the second team to Corbett who ran the ball back to the 40-yard line. Cutler punted back to Cate on the second team's 40-yard line. Gilbert kicked, and Withington fell on the ball after blocking it. On line plays the first team reached the second's 3-yard line, where it was held, and lost the ball on downs. Withington broke through the line and blocked Gilbert's kick, and Fish fell on the ball for a touchdown. Withington kicked the goal.

The second team then kicked off to Corbett, who ran back fifteen yards to the 30-yard line. Cate received a punt and Gilbert punted outside on the 45-yard line. Finally the second team got the ball on the first team's 35-yard line and after Cate's forward pass to Rogers, Page went through Fish for a touchdown.


The teams lined up for the scrimmage as follows: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Houston, Graydon, l.e.  r.e., Rogers Withington, l.t.  r.t., Overson McGuire, l.g.  r.g., Philippbar Nourse, Hadden, c.  c., Dore Hoar, Robinson, r.g.  l.g., Blodgett Fish, r.t.  l.t., Beaman Cutting, r.e.  l.e., Long Cutler, Galatti, q.b.  q.b., Cate White, Long, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Page Corbett, Leslie, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Gilbert Kennard, f.b.  f.b., Burrage

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