

In Stadium at 2.--Harvard Meets Yale For First Time in This Sport.

The University association football team will meet Yale for the first time this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Stadium. It is not customary to organize a team in the spring, but this year one was made up for this game. Although the University team has been practicing only two weeks, it is composed of good veteran material. W. Peirce '07, and M. L. Newhall '08 are the only new men on the team. The Yale team, on the other hand, has never played together before this year. For this reason the chances of victory this afternoon seem to decidedly favor the University team. Admission will be 50 cents, which will admit to the Freshman dual track meet also.

The probable line-ups will be: HARVARD.  YALE. Parker, g.  g., Barrows Thackara, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Hull Peirce, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Howard A. W. Reggio, l.h.b.  r.h.b., McNutter Brooks, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Wallace Biddle, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Reid Means, l.o.f.  r.o.f., O'Sullivan Newhall, l.i.f.  r.i.f., Conrad, Clark Osborne, c.f.  c.f., Wick A. N. Reggio, r.i.f.  l.i.f., Wetzler Robinson, r.o.f.  l.o.f., Scholle, Seymour
