
Second Baseball vs. Holy Cross 2nd

The University second baseball team will play its second game with Holy Cross second this afternoon at 4 o'clock on the University diamond, as the University team will be at Andover. In the first game, played about a week ago, the second team was defeated by the score of 6 to 2, the defeat being due mainly to costly errors. In batting the teams proved equally weak, and made but three hits apiece. Since this game, however, the second team has defeated Bates by the score of 2 to 1, but was defeated by Williston, 7 to 2. With Greene and Foley as opposing pitchers, the game should be mainly a pitcher's battle, the advantage slightly in favor of Greene. Much depends upon the support given him by the second team.

The batting orders: HARVARD SECOND.  HOLY CROSS SECOND. Keefe, 3b.  3b., Coleman Harding, 1b.  s.s., Knight Frye, l.f.  1b., Doyle Paine, s.s.  c.f., Burke Cooper, r.f.  r.f., Carroll Powers, 2b.  l.f., Stevens Usher, c.f.  2b., Pallotti Campbell, c.  c., Smith Greene, p.  p., Foley
