

Basketball Team Won Close Game Last Night.--Extra Period Played.

The University basketball team won its last home game of the season by defeating Dartmouth in the Gymnasium last night, 18 to 17. The Dartmouth team is very strong this year and this is the first time it has been defeated. Harvard showed unusual strength and was superior in all departments of the game, winning in the last minute on a goal from the floor by Allen. Although the game was inclined to be rough, fouls were called more because of over-anxiety than from any premeditated malice. Had it not been for the ability of Grebenstein in throwing goals from fouls Harvard would have won by a larger margin.

Amberg made the first score on a goal from a foul and shortly after succeeded in throwing a pretty goal from the floor. Towards the end of the half; however, Dingle secured the ball from a scrimmage and threw an easy goal, but this was soon offset by a goal from the floor by Brooks. The half ended with the score 7 to 4 in Harvard's favor.

In the second half Dartmouth was able to tie the score several times because of Grebensteln's accuracy in throwing ten goals from fouls. Towards the end of the half Grebenstein succeeded in making a field goal which gave Dartmouth the lead 15 to 13, but a goal from a foul by Currie and a hard goal from the floor by Burnham again put Harvard ahead. The half ended, however, with a tie score, 16 to 16.

According to the rules, the team first securing two points would win the game. The outlook was unfavorable for Harvard as a foul was at once called and Grebenstein threw the goal. Dartmouth then fouled, and on Currie's failure to make the goal Allen seized the ball and threw a goal from the floor, thus winning the game.

For Harvard Allen and Currie played a fast offensive game, and Burnham and Brooks covered their men well. Grebenstein played by far the best game for Dartmouth.


This is the last game before that with Yale on Saturday at New Haven.

The summary:

Score--Harvard, 18; Dartmouth, 17. Baskets from the floor--Allen 2, Amberg 1, Brooks 1, Burnham 1, Dingle 1, Grebenstein 1. Baskets on fouls--Amberg 6, Currie 2, Grebenstein 11, Brady 2. Fouls called--on Harvard, 20; on Dartmouth 18. Referee--Knox. Timekeepers--McCarthy and Bankart. Time--20-minute halves, and an extra period of 2-minutes. HARVARD.  DARTMOUTH. Allen, l.f.  r.g., Lane Currie, r.f.  l.g., Schildmiller Amberg, c.  c., Dingle Burnham, l.g.  r.f., Grebenstein Brooks, r.g.  l.f., Brady
