
Books Added to Union Library

The following books have been added to the Union Library since the beginning of the mid-year period:

"Admirals All," by H. Newbolt.

"Agamemnon," by Edward Fitzgerald.

"The American College in American Life," by C. F. Thwing '76.

"American Problems," by J. H. Baker.


"Art of Thomas Hardy," by L. Johnson.

Autobiography of John Galt in two volumes.

"Causes of the Civil War," by F. E. Chadwick.

"Christian Science," by Mark Twain.

"The City," by A. Upson.

"Complete Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson," edited in twelve volumes by E. W. Emerson '66.

"Complete Works of Richard Crawshaw," edited by W. B. Turnbull.

"Dodsley's Old English Plays," by W. C. Hazlitt.

"Dramatists of Today," by E. E. Hale, Jr., '83.

"Essays on Higher Education," by G. T. Ladd.

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