
Intercollegiate Hockey Schedule

At a meeting of the representatives of the Intercollegiate Hockey League held at the St. Nicholas Rink last Friday evening, the schedule of league games was drawn up and approved as follows:

Jan. 4.--Princeton vs. Columbia.

Jan. 8.--Princeton vs. Dartmouth.

Jan. 11.--Harvard vs. Columbia.

Jan. 15.--Yale vs. Dartmouth.


Jan. 16.--Columbia vs. Dartmouth.

Jan. 18.--Harvard vs. Princeton.

Jan. 24.--Yale vs. Columbia.

Feb. 8.--Yale vs. Princeton.

Feb. 8.--Harvard vs. Dartmouth at Cambridge.

Feb. 15.--Harvard vs. Yale.

Unless otherwise specified, all games will be played at the St. Nicholas Rink, New York City.

The following officers for the ensuing year were elected: president, T. B. Souther '04; secretary, B. S. Prentice '05.

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