

Letter from Coach Crane to the Undergraduates and Graduates.

In our present unfortunate position of having lost two games to minor colleges, there has been a considerable tendency to criticism, naturally enough, perhaps, of the coaching the team has received this fall.

That part of the criticism directed at the individual coaching "in fundamentals" is not only unfair, but without foundation. My assistants, Messrs. Cutts, Leary and Daly, have given their best knowledge and endeavors to teaching the men their position and individual play thoroughly, and any lack of results on the field is not due to them in any way, but to the men themselves and to the general policy, for which I am responsible.

All I ask of you is that you give the team your heartiest support and encouragement at a time that is infinitely harder for them than for you.

Yale has a tremendously strong eleven this year, and we are now in a position where we have everything to win and nothing to lose, for there is no disgrace in defeat by such a powerful team.

I have every confidence in the spirit of our men, and know that they will render such an account of themselves that all of you will be proud to have had them represent you. Yours, JOSHUA CRANE.
