

Conditions of Competition In Massachusetts Announced by President Eliot.

President Eliot, chairman of the Massachusetts Committee of Selection representing the Rhodes Scholarship Trust, has received from the Trustees of the fund an announcement concerning the selection of a scholar from Massachusetts for the three-year term beginning in October, 1907. Qualifying examinations will be held in Boston on January 17 and 18 at a place to be announced later. Examinations will be held in the following subjects: Translation from Latin into English, Latin Prose, Latin Grammar, Translation from Greek into English, Greek Grammar, Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. The last two subjects are alternative. The requirements in these subjects are identical with the requirements for Responsions, which are the first public examination which an Oxford student undergoes. A candidate who passes the qualifying examinations here in Boston will be excused from Responsions at Oxford, whether he subsequently enters the university as a Rhodes Scholar or on his own resources. The examination papers are transmitted to Oxford under seal, and are marked there. The results are then certified to the Committee on Selection, which then proceeds to the election of a Scholar from among the qualified candidates.

In all states of the United States other than Massachusetts, a candidate must have passed in at least two years' work at a recognized degree-granting university or college, before the end of this current academic year. Massachusetts is allowed the unique privilege of presenting candidates directly from the secondary schools as well as from colleges.

Candidates throughout the United States possessing the university or college qualification may elect whether they will apply for the Scholarship of the state or territory in which they have acquired their educational qualification, or for that of the state or territory in which they have their ordinary residence. The candidates may pass the qualifying examinations at any centre, but they must be prepared to present themselves before election to the committee in the state or territory they select. No candidate may compete in more than one state or territory.

In accordance with the wish expressed by Mr. Rhodes in his will, regard will be had, in the election of a student to a Scholarship, to: the candidate's literary and scholastic attainments, his fondness for and success in manly out-door sports, such as cricket, football and the like, his qualities of manhood, truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship, and finally for his exhibition during schooldays of moral force of character, and of instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates.

The two present incumbents of the Rhodes Scholarships from Massachusetts are F. H. Fobes '04 and R. K. Hack, Williams '05, F. H. Fobes went to Oxford in October, 1904, and he will be replaced in October, 1907, by the Scholar to be elected this year. R. K. Hack's term will not expire until October, 1908.


President Eliot has invited the following persons to serve with him as the Committee of Selection for the current year: G. H. Martin, Secretary of the State Board of Education, W. Orr, head master of the Springfield High School; A. E. Stearns, head master of Phillips Andover Academy; F. G. Ferry, professor of Mathematics, Williams College. The committee is about to issue a circular of information which will be sent to all colleges and secondary schools in Massachusetts

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