
Chess Tournament Begins Today

The annual fall chess tournament to pick a team to play against Yale will begin today. The fifty men entered have been divided into eight sections. A round robin tournament will be played in each section, the pairings for which will be sent to the entrants by mail. Two men will be retained in each section for the semi-finals, in which the ten men who make the highest scores will constitute the team that will play against Yale in Dwight Hall, New Haven, on the evening before the Harvard-Yale football game.

After the match with Yale four men will be chosen to represent Harvard in the intercollegiate chess tournament, which will be held at New York during the Christmas recess. Harvard has won the intercollegiate championship for the past three years in succession.

The following five men, who played against Yale last year, are eligible to play again this year: Q. A. Brackett '06, captain; G. T. McClure '06, K. S. Johnson '07, C. G. Morse '07, E. H. Gruening '07.

The results of the matches in the preliminary round of the section tournaments, must be left by the winners with the secretary of the Chess Club, F. D. Utley '08, Thayer 37, before October 27.
