
Review of First Advocate

Despite the fact that the Advocate begins the year with a welcome innovation--a new cover and smoother paper--the same conservative merits remain. The usual shortcoming of the paper, its ultra "literary" tone, is not so noticeable as of old. If the Advocate is to do its best, let the classic Pegasus continue to be enlivened for the "average undergraduate" by the common oats and bran of stories that are local and present and by poems whose subjects are tangible.

It is difficult to choose between the two best narratives, "Final Honors", by W. Goodwin '07, and "A Son in Harvard", by J. L. Price '07. Both of the kind which should be more frequent; they are readable, have a meaning, and serve a purpose.

The editorials, aimed of course at Freshmen, are unusually valuable, and the poem, "Old Love or New", by J. Hinckley '06, has a message to contribute, and does it skilfully.
