

Men Will Meet at 8.30 o'clock in Front of University Hall.

Every Senior is expected to be in front of University Hall promptly at 8.30 this morning, when badges will be distributed to the officials of the day. No badges will be reserved after 8.45. After a parade around the Yard the class will take special cars for Otis wharf, 408 Atlantic avenue, Boston. Here the class will board the palatial steamboat "Philadelphia" which will sail at 9.45 o'clock for Nantasket Point. During the trip Kanrich's band will furnish music and beer will be served. A lunch of clams and lobsters will be provided on the verandas of the Nantasket Point Hotel at 1 o'clock.

During the afternoon there will be baseball games between the Engineering Club and the Mining Club, and between Holworthy and Stoughton. Men are urged to from other teams and to bring their own gloves, bats and balls. There will also be swimming races and field games. The events will include the 100-fathom dash, putting the 20-pound clams shell, throwing the half-pound lobster, and kicking the bucket (form and distance considered). Special attractions are offered to all ologists including Zoos., Geols., Psychols., Archaeols., and Palaeonts., also to botanists and students of forestry. Members of the Natural History Society will given and exhibition of catching the butterfly.

On the return trip the boat will leave the Point at 5 o'clock, arriving in Boston at about 6 o'clock.

Men who wish to come late may take boats at Otis wharf at 10.20, 12.20 and 2.20; or trains at the South station at 10.45, 12.45 and 1.43. Men who wish to return to Cambridge early may take boats at 1.40 and 3.40; and trains at 1.20, 2.20, 3.20 and 4.20.
