
Dr. Peabody on "Teaching" May 16

Rev. Endicott Peabody h.'04 will deliver a lecture on "Teaching" on the evening of May 16, at 7.30 o'clock, in the Living Room of the Union. This will be the third of the series of lectures on the professions, the first of which was given by Mr. J. G. Milburn on April 11, on the "Practice of Law," and the second by Dr. J. Collins Warren last Wednesday, on "Medicine."

Dr. Peabody was born in Salem in 1857. After graduating from Oheltenham College, England, he studied law at Trinity College, Cambridge. Upon his return to America he engaged in a banking business in Boston for a year, and then entered the Episcopal Theological Seminary from which he graduated in 1884. He spent the next six months in missionary work in Arizona, and at the end of the same year founded the Groton School at Groton, of which he has been head master ever since. He was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the University last spring.

The lecture will be open only to members of the Union.
