

On Soldiers Field at 3 o'clock.--Coburn Will Pitch.

The University baseball team will play Dartmouth this afternoon on the regular diamond, Soldiers Field, at 3 o'clock.

Dartmouth has an unusually strong team this year, having easily defeated Andover and losing to Brown only by the close score of 4 to 3. Last year Harvard won, 4 to 1. Glaze, who pitched an effective game last year, allowing only five hits, will probably pitch today.

Owing to the injury to his ankle in the Bates game, Randall will be unable to play for at least a week. His position at first base will be filled today by McCarty. Spencer will play in right field.

The batting order: HARVARD.  DARTMOUTH. Dexter, 2b.  c.f., Holland Leonard, 3b.  2b., Orcott Matthews, s.s.  s.s., Reeve Stephenson, c.  3b., Keady McCarty, 1b.  l.f., O'Brien Spencer, r.f.  1b., Main Schoenfuss, c.f.  r.f., Page Bradbury, l.f.  c., McCabe Coburn, p.  p., Glaze, Skillen
