
Insignia for Inaugural Parade.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The communication in Saturday's CRIMSON regarding uniforms in the inaugural parade suggests the wearing of black caps and gowns in place of the red caps and gowns used in the torch-light procession last fall. The objection to the red costume is well based, but the suggestion to substitute the ordinary black caps and gowns is not feasible for two reasons. In the first place it would be difficult to reach enough graduates to insure the requisite number of uniforms; secondly, the regular caps and gowns would be too expensive to buy for this occasion, even if there were time enough, which there is not. As some insignia seems desirable, would not the best solution be the wearing of arm-bands? These can be purchased for about 35 cents, can be conveniently carried, and are distinctive without being unduly conspicuous. UNDERGRADUATE.
