

All Halifax and Dalhousie Teams to Compete.--How Game is Played.

Arrangements have been definitely made for an exhibition game of English football in the Stadium on November 11, the day the University team plays in Philadelphia. The contest will be between the Dalhousie University team of Dalhousie, Nova Scotia, and an All Halifax team, largely made up of Dalhousie graduates. Complete reports of the Harvard-Pennsylvania game will be received at the Stadium by private wire direct from Franklin Field during the game.

The English game is played with fifteen men on a side and differs from the Canadian game, which is played with twelve men on a side, and which, like American football, has developed from the English game. English rugby football is furthermore entirely different from the association game, which was last year taken up in the University. It is an open game in which interference like that in American football is unknown, and in which there is no body checking. Players are not allowed to touch opponents with their hands, except in tackling the man with the ball. The ball is advanced by being carried by a runner, by being dribbled, as in the association game, and by being punted. Forward passing is not allowed, but long passes side-ways are frequent. As the ball is immediately in play as soon as it has been downed the game is very fast. This necessity for speed requires strong middle weight men rather than the heavy men of the American game, and makes the use of padding impossible. The game is played ordinarily in 35-minute halves on a field of the same dimensions as the American fields, and substitutes cannot be played. If a man is injured his team must play without him.
